I have been selling these at fairs for a while now. Sales have reached a point where it makes more sense to sell prints - this also makes them more affordable - who could argue with that?
Each print is treated in the same way as the original, mounted on a handcut wooden tile and coated with a thick layer of glossy resin. Set in the resin are twinkly crystals, faux pearls and pieces of vintage jewellery - depending on the title.
The competition prize is a Tiny Tile Painting of the winners choice.
For a chance to win simply:
pop along to my shop by clicking here
leave a comment on this blog with the title of your favourite Tile Painting and a note about why you like it . Please make sure that there is a way to contact you so that I can send your prize should you win.
If you Twitter, Facebook or blog about my competition please leave a link in the comment section here and I will enter your name for a further chance to win.
Hopefully I will be adding more paintings to the shop over the next couple of weeks. The winner can choose any Tile Painting when notified. The competition will close on the 5th August.
Good luck!
Hello! I love the Starry Night Tile as it reminds me of dark winter evenings cuddled up with my children reading bedtime stories!
I've just posted a link to your competition on my Facebook page.
Jo :-)
'Twas a Dark & Starry Night Tile is my favourite, too. I'm afraid I have a similar reason to Jolicious. I love summer but I miss the dark evenings when you can snuggle up & get cosy! x
Doh! I meant Dark & stormy night! Sorry! x
I like the magpie one. We have a pair of magpies that visit our garden and love to watch them.
These are great! Two for joy - definitely my favourite - I love the idea of the pair of them sitting in a nestful of jewels!
Just off to twitter and facebook now...
I meant Stormy night too!
I love to the moon and back, and of course it's 40 year's since Neil Armstrong Managed that feat
I've posted the comp on my blog Http://woodjewellery.blogspot.com
and on my facebook page
And as an added extra, I have stumbled your comp (making it my 76 stumble discovery)
Woody the Woodjeweller
Thanks everyone
Jo, thats 2 entries
Mollimoo and Hats and More thats 1 entry
Oddsox thats 3 entries
and Woody thats 4!!
Oh, To the moon and back...on a day like today, there can be no other choice! : )
I love the holiday memories because it reminds me of looking through family albums and talking about all the reasons why we love each other.
Totally love 'To the moon and back'... anything to do with the moon gets me and this has a deeper meaning too, Anne :0)
I love love love to the moon and back. It reminds me of my daughter (she's 3) I always say to her "How much do you think I love you?" she always replies "Too much" and I say "There's no such thing as too much, how about to the moon and back?"
Just posted a link here http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=768525322&ref=profile
To the Moon and back, because i'm just about to realise my long held dream of opening my own art gallery/cafe in a beautiful part of wales - i loved the saying "aim for the moon, if you miss you'll land among the stars - I didn't miss, so the tile is perfect for me!
I love 'To The Moon and Back'. The colour of the sky is gorgeous and the frost ring around the moon reminds of crispy cold winter nights (I love them when I'm snuggled on the sofa with a mug of Green and Blacks hot chocolate).
By the way, forgot to say fab blog and competition - good luck everyone.
Hi -these tiles are so nice! My favourite is Two for Joy- what a lovely happy pair! :) with all their goodies! Lovely!
I like 'Change' besthttp://www.folksy.com/items/36937-Changes-A-Vintage-Trinkets-and-Treasure-Box?shop=yes
Hey Leigh, what beautiful work... my favourite's Songbird, but it was pretty hard to choose!
It has to be the Dark Night.... They are all beautiful though! Fab blog xx
My favourite is "Song Bird", I've recently started collecting birds an I think this one is lovely!
Ooo exciting! first competition :) I love 'two for joy' because it reminds me of my mum trying to talk to the magpies in our garden.
Blogged about it here: http://pixelatedmushroom.blogspot.com
i love Changes-A Vintage Trinkets and Treasure Box
there's two i like to the moon and back and two for joy i think your tiles are lovely, hope you are doing well on your shop.
How very exciting to be in your competition for one of your lovely tile paintings. It is a toss up... but I shall say that I love the River of Dreams... the button moon is so lovely...
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