I am a firm believer that change is a good thing, but as I sit here writing this at 5.30am on a chill Monday morning I feel some trepidation. You did read that correctly, 5.30, some things don't change - J continues to be such an early bird.
This morning we quickly crept downstairs so we didn't wake everyone. Today is my little girl's firtst day in her reception class, as she sleeps I am feeling soo nervous. I'm sure a great many parents are feeling exactly the same at the moment.
She is such a shy little girl. Whilst she enjoyed her year at nursery it was only in the last couple of week that she began to talk to one or two of the children. She is very articulate but I don't know how well this comes across away from home. I'm so glad that the nursery is a part of the school she is attending, hopefully this will help her to settle into a full day in the 'big school'.
I am going to miss my little pal so much! I am dreading the moment of coming away from school without her and I know I will be clock watching all day 'til we can scamper up the hill to collect her.
Someone else is going to miss his little big sister all day too. And speaking of changes two mornings a week he is going to be off to pre-school. J has had one session there last week which he enjoyed very much, he had a little wobble in the last few minutes but over all the virdict was "I love pre-school!" pronounced "I wuv pee cool!".
Reading this back I think it may be me that will be needing the most time to get used to all this.
Whilst it will be strange to have a few child free hours in the week it will mean that for the first time in a very long time I will have be able to work during the day. Set work time that doesn't rely on the odd DVD, playing in the garden or carefully orchestrated distractions which often included daddy taking the children out for the day so that I could fill orders and arrange gallery meetings. I can get so much more done when I work during the day than when I work late evenings. So I have big plans for my two mornings.
So as autumn begins to creep up on us again we will all be getting used to a new routine. It is still dark as I sit here huddled around the screen and there is a definate chill in the early morning air. Someone on the radio mentioned we may even have a bit of frost by the end of the week.
If your little ones are starting school over the next few days, chin up!
Edited just to add that she had a really good day! I spent the whole day with one eye on the clock and the words "I wonder what she is doing now.." wandering through my head every few minutes. J went to his second pre-school session today and loved it. And I worked during daylight hours!
Oh and I have noticed that the date on this post claims it is Sunday. I wrote this in the wee small hours of Monday morning - I hadn't noticed that the blog seems to work on US time:)
Urgh for early mornings! Anya is in year one and Tara will start nursery for 5 mornings a week next Monday. I am giddy with excitement at what I will be able to do in that time. A big tidy up of the craft room is planned but then........ I can't wait :)
Hi hope all went well today for you all. Brings back memories of that first day at school for my, now grown up, son. It doesn't get any easier!
Awwww bless! I hope that she is loving it and that you are coming round to the change. Dara starts nursery on Thursday - only one more year until both of mine are at school (yikes!) pxxxxx
Thanks everyone!
She came bouncing out of the class at the end of the day and shouted "I just love it in there!" so really I couldn't ask for more:)
Such a heart-tugging moment in life!
These steps our little ones are taking seem so huge - you want to covet them and cossett them all the way. Glad to hear she was fine.School becomes their second home, after all!
Hope you're bearing up well, too - it's so hard when they leave us! xx
Thanks so much for your birthday wishes and welcome back - very sweet of you x
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