Back to school

A few months ago I was asked to lead a workshop in a local high school for a class of Btec students. The full day session involved each student making their own accordion book.
Last week the session took place. Usually my books are themed around vintage ephemera but the students were studying pop art, so we went with that. They had to demonstrate their awareness and understanding of pop art through the images they created in their book. The finished result would be part of their coursework.
Everyone worked very hard and they had some great ideas. I'll be visiting again in a week or so to see the finished pieces. I'll post pics when I have them. I really enjoyed my day in class. It's funny how out of touch I felt at times though! Here's one conversation that proves it:
Student: Miss?
Me: Please, call me Leigh
Student: Yeah Miss ok, I will Leigh. Miss have you seen *****'s book? Its well sick!
Me: Lets remember to treat each other with respect please.
Student: Eh Miss? No miss, 'sick' means good, her book is well sick, I like it!
And I feel 95. But all in all the whole day was - well - well sick :)

1 comment:

Swirlyarts said...

It looks well sick :) See - I'm down with the kids too!